Zhang Yiwei


Bachelor and Master ofElectromechanical,Xiamen University, CEIBS MBA.

Cowincapital Co., Ltd Technology Partner.

Served as Huawei technical R & D engineers, overseas sales engineers.

April 2009 joined Cowincapital Co., Ltd. Since December 2010, he has served as Senior Investment Manager, Investment Director, Vice President of Investment and Managing Director. He has been the partner of Cowincapital Co., Ltd. Since January 2014. Server asCowincapital Co., Ltd Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Cowincapital Management Company Limited.

successful investment: Beyondsoft (002649), Kuo Shuo Power Supply (002660), Guowen shares (002768), Haiyun days (Tuowei information 002261 acquisition), three profit spectrum (002876), earthquake technology (to be reported) Commodities Shanghui (833788), Jingrui Chemical (300655), Ding core infinite (force source information 300184 acquisition), base stone technology.